Developing Character & Leadership Through Marital Arts
In Singapore where academic achievement in children is paramount over any things else they do, it can be difficult for parents to understand the importance of “play” in a kid's life. Sports and outdoor play are necessary in helping your child gain social skills and teamwork. Every sport has rules, and learning to observe them helps your child to understand the need for discipline.
Repetitive training, respect for the instructors, coaches, referees and team members, or even simply turning up for training as scheduled are important in building your child's discipline; learning discipline and perseverance goes a long way in benefiting your child's academic success.
Character Values such as fairness, teamwork, equality, discipline, involvement, perseverance, respect as well as maintaining a fit and healthy lifestyle are universal to all sports and martial arts.
Another benefit of taking part in physical activities forces children away from the digital world, active children are also emotionally healthier and less likely to be affected by external stress factors. So why not give your child a break from the enrichment centre and do something physical and non-academic; take part in our Wing Chun classes for children?
Our programme is specifically tailored to be non-aggressive for children aged 6 to 12 years old; cultivate patience and self-control; develope self-confidence; learn combat skills through fun-fill activities and games, and learn to defend themselves safely against school bullies should the need arise.